Buy these buildings from listed price and look at the results:
Projection |
No. of units |
Price |
Price per unit |
Price per room |
Price per room X 4.5 |
GRM Ratio |
NRM Ratio |
Cap Rate |
DCR Ratio |
Money down |
Expected yields |
2532663 |
27 |
4 445 000 $ |
164 630 $ |
34 863 $ |
156 882 $ |
17.44 |
26.434 |
0.04 |
1.15 |
1 729 283 $ |
1 % |
3 % |
11 % |
Yields of the investment |
Cashdown |
1 729 283 $ |
Before capitalization |
22 101 $ |
1 % |
After capitalization 22 101 $ + 33 688 $ (average mortgage paid) = |
55 789 $ |
3 % |
After capitalization and appreciation (PV) |
197 384 $ |
11 % |
Ratios |
Price per unit |
= 4 445 000 $ ÷ 27 logements |
164 630 $ |
Price per room |
= 4 445 000 $ ÷ 127,5 pièces |
34 863 $ |
Price per room x 4 1/2 |
156 882 $ |
GRM ratio |
4 445 000 $ ÷
Gross Income Multiplicator - Expenses for tenants services |
17.44 |
NRM ratio |
4 445 000 $ ÷
168 155 $ (Net income) |
26.434 |
Cap. Rate |
168 155 $ (Net income) ÷
4 445 000 $ |
3.78 % |
DCR ratio |
168 155 $ (Net income) ÷
146 054 $ |
1.15 |
To obtain further information on incomes, expenses, projections or any other question, please contact us at or by phone : 418.871.0088, 514.956.8788, 1.877.591.0088. |