YOU ARE A SELLER ? For over 30 years, BlocDirect has focused solely on the multiplex market. Now, BlocDirect is accessible throughout Quebec. Take advantage of our increased daily visibility: We are in contact with more than 37,000 potential buyers who are waiting for new properties each day, and many members have access to our platform: people from Quebec City, Montreal, elsewhere across Quebec, Canada and around the world. OUR TEAM IS HERE FOR YOU !

BlocDirect has a support team and a network of successful, meticulous real estate brokers with renowned expertise.

At BlocDirect, we strive to validate your down payment and take charge of your financing. Our buyers thus capitalize on the best market conditions.

After managing over 500 units, we speak the language of real estate investment and have extensive knowledge of property management.

Furthermore, we are discount brokers. Our rates are the lower than the market's! For multiplexes worth $500,000 and more, our commission is only 4%, 3%, 2%. We are truly THE stock market of real estate.

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BlocDirect also handles confidential files; with no contract and no strings attached.

It is possible to use confidentiality letters guaranteeing total discretion.

At BlocDirect, you are the boss. Our job is to help you reach your goals!

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Quebec area

1175, Charest Ouest bur. 18a
Quebec (Qc) G1N 2C9
Phone : 418.871.0088
Fax : 418.780.4882

Montreal area

155, René-Lévesque O. suite 2500
Phone : 514.956.8788
Fax : 514.956.2100

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